Glacier Peak Wilderness

Ghetto Blaster at Mica Lake

Fire Belly on top of Fire Creek Pass

glacial river - some trail crew were brought in by helicopters to put in bridges across swollen rivers
8-25 - cold in the hammock, wet outside - maybe hiked 21 miles today and started after 10 AM. had to keep moving to stay warm. Red Pass was brutal. Sometimes the PCT is grueling; but moments later it can be euphoric - like today, the sun finally coming out a bit to warm us on a mountain top - green and big clouds and I can't decide if I should stop popping the juicy, candy-like blueberries into my mouth in order to get out my camera to photograph the full arch Rainbow spreading out in the valley below us. Like Marcelo said: around every corner it's breathtaking.
8-25 - cold in the hammock, wet outside - maybe hiked 21 miles today and started after 10 AM. had to keep moving to stay warm. Red Pass was brutal. Sometimes the PCT is grueling; but moments later it can be euphoric - like today, the sun finally coming out a bit to warm us on a mountain top - green and big clouds and I can't decide if I should stop popping the juicy, candy-like blueberries into my mouth in order to get out my camera to photograph the full arch Rainbow spreading out in the valley below us. Like Marcelo said: around every corner it's breathtaking.

Henry Jackson Wilderness, Day 14
8-26 - 42 miles in 2 days - almost to Skykomish - Exhausting but more exhilarating!
8-26 - 42 miles in 2 days - almost to Skykomish - Exhausting but more exhilarating!