
New England Summeriness

Andres atop Franconia Ridge on the Appalachian Trail in New Hampshire's White Mountains...

Marié at Little Rock Pond along the Appalachian Trail in Vermont

Allison and Halcyon in Vermont...

With their new giant solar panel

Garrison feeds his chickens the kitchen compost.

Marié rowing a boat on Jamaica Pond...


Malta: Around Rabat and the Island

Typical homes and street scene in Rabat

One of many catacombs beneath Rabat

In the old "silent city" of Mdina

The Dingli Cliffs 


In the Smurf Cave on the boat tour with il mitico Charlie

Marié on the beach with Clara...and Iva

Marié outside Mdina with Emanuel

Feast of Santa Catarina...

ground fireworks

Flying above Paris over the Champs-Élysées, the Seine, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe