On our way in Golden Gate Park with the Academy of Sciences and Sutro Tower in background

On Friday, on one of the hottest days in San Francisco that I can remember, the Mass of bicyclists cruised west through the city to check out Outside Lands in Golden Gate Park. But with a gorgeous sunset showing through the trees, most of us didn't stay long at the festival area, and we pedaled the rest of the way to the bosom of the Pacific. As usual, the mass split up into more than one mass. Why can't we stay together? Can I blame the over-zealous cops who ride the asses of bikers in the rear and intentionally? split us up? Or does the fault lie with the bikers in a hurry at the front of the pack who ride fast and don't pause for the slower bikers who get caught at the back of the pack? Anyway, Sweet Sunset.

1 comment:
so glad you put these up! what a fun ride that was (i was with the geary group who got to the beach first)... cheers!
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