Mastram invited me to visit his village of Ladwara, home of his immediate family, relatives and life-long friends.

Desraj, with one of his goats

In front of Mastram's house where he and his two sons, wife and parents live. His brother 's immediate family lives just across the courtyard.

the family cow

The town has several warm springs along the river with small temples and sites of morning bathing and washing...

Bath for Riktik and more of Mastram's family

After coming here, I more fully understand how "70% of India's billion-plus population lives in the countryside." For even though the population and size of a city like Delhi is staggering, the Indian countryside is settled rather densely (compared to American standards). And between every home, path and cow shed, there is food growing in the ground; shown here are mostly wheat and mustard greens. And the total integration of small-scale agriculture encompassing never-sprayed wheat, vegetables, fruit trees, chickens, cows and goats with small communities and family life is very beautiful. The cows are all right on the doorstep of the family homes, and almost every home in proximity to Mastram's belongs to some member of his extended family. A true village.

Mastram's mother and sons

Mastram with his friend Suresh at the local canteen...

...and in Suresh's home.


ready for school

Mastram's wife cooking up delicious food upstairs in their kitchen - All of the food seen here was grown in their small patches of land scattered throughout the village.

And Mastram brought me to the Tatwani hot springs ... perfect temperature with an ancient Hindu temple complex built up around it.