
From Scissors Crossing to the Mexico Border

This was the final section of my southbound hike of the Pacific Crest Trail...

By Sunrise Trailhead north of Mt Laguna

Crossing under I-8

Sunset above Lake Morena

Celebrating the completion of my SoBo (soutbound) PCT hike at the Mexico border that I first started in 2006.

Ran into Buck 30 right before finishing the PCT.

The border between Mexico and the US

Marié came to pick me up from the end of the trail.

South to Scissors Crossing

Scratched-up legs from sharp chaparrel

The trail near Warner Springs...I got some relaxation at the Mountain Valley Retreat outside of Ranchita and then hit the trail again...

Side trail to a water cache

I slept on this ridge under the large moon and walk up in the middle of the early morning and was surprised to see a lunar eclipse off to the East.

Varieties of cacti

From Big Bear to Idyllwild

Old growth incense cedar

Along Mission Creek in the San Gorgonio Wilderness, where the many parts of the trail were washed out

Nearing Whitewater River

From I-10 at 1200 feet, I ascended south some 7,500 feet to over 8,700 feet up to the Mt San Jacinto Wilderness...I was going to summit Mt San Jacinto, but my uphill leg muscles wanted a rest after the climb up.

Above Idyllwild


From Cajon Pass to Deep Creek

Just south of Cajon Pass...

Above a dry reservoir

Once I entered the beautiful Deep Creek Canyon from the North, the path was covered in awful graffiti.  This pristine wilderness elements of this section of the trail unfortunately kept giving way to Southern Californian's garbage.

Despite the heavy use and interspersed garbage, Deep Creek Hot Springs is Amazing!  I relaxed here for two nights.  Before I arrived here, I walked 53 mile in two days. 

Even in the drought, this creek was flowing strong.

Erin and Jennings ford the creek to return to LA after they came up to the springs for the afternoon.

Hippie Dave

From Agua Dulce to the Top of Mt. Baden-Powell

Near Mt Gleason on the Poodle Dog Bush detour...

From my camping site perched on a ridge, I could see the lights of Los Angeles beyond the mountains to the West.

Sometimes, while walking I would think about how insane it is to walk so many miles across the mountains and deserts.  When I think that I could just take a bus 900 miles instead of walking, hiking feel like an anachronistic activity.  But then, when I see an interstate highway (like I-10 and I-15), I think about how insane the Rat Race is and how crazy it is for so many people to be in such a hurry that everyone is zipping around in unsustainable steel machines with wheels on them, (the use of which perpetuates oil wars), careening over asphalt surfaces where we have killed the soil.  And then I  think that maybe the Rat Race is way more crazy and unnatural, and that moving slowly is a path to regain sanity.
Looking across the Angeles National Forest towards LA and the Pacific

Nearing the top of Mt. Baden-Powell...

Self-portrait on the summit of Mt. Baden-Powell